CliqueClack TV

Castle and Beckett fight over the dog house

Castle and Beckett investigate a reality television star by way of the murder of a dog training expert. But, really, the important part about this episode was how cute they both were with the dog.

- Season 4, Episode 13 - "Embarrassment of Bitches"

Was Kay Cappuccio based on Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton (my guess: equal parts both)? Considering all of the different stories that Castle has done in its fourth season, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that they’d do a dog show episode, or a do-nothing reality star episode. I’m just a little surprised that they wrapped it into one night. I mean, there’s a ton more material they could have mined out of both, right (read: sarcasm)?

Watching Castle and Beckett fuss over Royal was adorable. The moment that they shared in her apartment, however, came across as more than a little forced. No matter, no relationship has to be perfect. But people who can bond over a dog, to the point of working out shared custody arrangements; those are the types of people who are destined for each other. But, if you’re reading this blog, I guess I don’t have to convince you of that fact.

I did enjoy watching Esposito worry over Cappuccio’s every need. Despite his breakup with Laney (whom I’m not sure he was ever a particularly good match with) and constant flirting with cute witnesses, Esposito is actually a fairly grounded guy. I think he could do better than the woman, but he’s also the type of guy that could be a positive influence on her obviously vapidness.

The guest casting in this episode was excellent as usual. Kay was played by Hilarie Burton, of One Tree Hill and White Collar fame. Boyfriend Reggie was, of course, Smallville’s own Justin Hartley (who also got his start on Passions, keeping the soap opera connection alive). Finally, Nana Visitor, who also has a soap connection in Ryan’s Hope, but is much better known in my house for her work on Deep Space Nine, played the doggie therapist.

The :45 Minute Guess: It’s got to be Hartley’s character, Reggie, right? I mean, there are two higher profile type guest stars in this episode who have had very little to do with the plot so far (the other being Visitor’s “doggie therapist”). But Kay marginalized him in her conversation to Esposito, something I’m guessing the former back-up dancer is cognizant enough to realize. That, or he’s got a drug problem and the Vasquez family strong-armed him into doing their dirty work.

The Answer: Nailed it. I do get it right every once in a while.

Notes & Quotes

  • I really enjoyed watching this episode, but not nearly as much as my dog did, who kept jumping up every time a dog whined.
  • This week, it is Esposito announcing the time of death window to a civilian. No operational security with these folks!
  • I love the running Jason Bateman jokes.
  • “Have you heard the phrase, ‘There’s no such thing as bad press?’ Having you picture taken with a dead guy is the exception. I have to be so careful with my image; my image is all I have.” – Kay Cappuccio
    “Yeah, no we were just talking about that.” – Castle
  • “We could keep him here at the precinct. We could use a mascot.” – Castle
    “I thought that’s what you were.” – Esposito
    [mimicking the dog] What’s that? What’s that buddy? Esposito’s sense of humor fell down the well and can’t get out?” – Castle
  • “I don’t really watch reality television, Ms. Cappuccio. Want to know why? [pauses for little dog to make little dog noises] Because I usually find that its not all that real, and I don’t like things or people who present fiction as truth. In fact, I find it to be a waste of time.” – Beckett
  • “You think she is wearing a wire?” – Castle
    “Dude, look at that outfit. Where’s she gonna put a wire?” — Esposito
    “If I had to be creative I’d guess [Beckett glares] that’s rhetorical.” – Castle
  • They call Rock-Paper-Scissors Rochambeau?


Photo Credit: ABC/Karen Neal

Categories: | Castle | Episode Reviews | Features | General | News | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Castle and Beckett fight over the dog house”

January 24, 2012 at 10:42 AM

Darn, I caught Nana Visitor’s guest turns on BSG and Grimm, but no longer watch this show. Sad to have missed her.

January 24, 2012 at 10:52 AM

Sadly underused. I didn’t know you’d given up on Castle, though. And I tried Grimm. I really tried. But I just couldn’t do it.

January 24, 2012 at 8:36 PM

Yeah, nowadays I’ve noticed a lot of great actors ending up in these bit parts on procedurals that any newbie could have pulled off. I really must travel and see Visitor perform on stage one of these years.

I loved both Katic and Fillion before Castle premiered, but just couldn’t enjoy this show, and didn’t care much for their characters. Perhaps it’s the network tone; the only serious ABC dramas I’ve liked are Revenge and Once Upon a Time, and those have the benefits of melodrama and camp. I do keep skimming through these reviews, as well as HIMYM and Parenthood, just to keep up with what’s happening.

Grimm can be spectacularly unimaginative at times, but I love Roiz and Lee, so I’m willing to wait and see where Greenwalt takes the mythology arc. It may be one of those genre shows where it’s necessary to write off the entire first season as the writers finding their druthers.

January 24, 2012 at 8:40 PM

Yeah, I can totally see myself going back to Grimm at the end of the first season to see where it goes.

I do think you’re missing out on Castle though. The chemistry between the leads is electric :)

January 24, 2012 at 3:56 PM

Loved the episode! Our little kitten was fascinated with the dogs, so she watched it with me. My favorite part was the interaction between Castle and Kate in her apartment – ok, I admit it – I am very much a romantic.

Good review, Mr. West.

January 24, 2012 at 5:35 PM

I liked that scene until the hand rubbing bit. That seemed a little forced to me :(

Thank you!

January 26, 2012 at 2:16 PM

Yes, “ROSHAMBO”(phonetically equivalent to ROCHAMBEAU) is what they call Rock-Paper-Scissors – see

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