CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Snarly McStapleface came out of nowhere


(Season 1, Episode 3)

Ah, here we go! After seeing this episode, I think I kind of, sort of understand what Firefly is trying to do. The first two were interesting but left me a little confused about what I was watching. As reader MarcDom7 pointed out in my last post, the pilot was an introduction and the second episode was an awkward re-introduction. Now that the gang is kicking in on some real adventures and not a camping trip gone horribly wrong as I had previous expected, I’m more willing to go along for the ride.


More scary Reaver stories! Are Reavers really into DIY facial piercing and jumping out-of-fuckin’-nowhere like angry, homicidal cats? Because that’s what I’ve learned from that survivor that went apeshit on everyone and had to get his neck snapped by Mal. I’m assuming each episode has its own little adventure but the big, series-long thread has to do with staying away from the Reavers and back-sassing the Alliance. The mystery of the Reavers is very intriguing to me and I’m glad the audience gets to find out more along with Simon.

Speaking of Simon, he’s been growing on me over these last few episodes, especially after getting picked on by Jayne. River, on the other hand, is still terribly annoying. Maybe I’m just not into the whole shrieking damsel in distress/severe PTSD thing. And someone comb her hair; the messy girl look is for Kaylee and Kaylee only. Jayne and Wash continue to be the stand-outs of the group. I only know Adam Baldwin from Chuck, and I find him infinitely more fun to watch on Firefly, not that Casey and Jayne are super-extra-different.

The tension between the crew and the Alliance is also very fascinating, and I hope we get to see more of it. I may or may not be saying that because I kind of dig the cold, well-structured look of Alliance uniforms.

Oh! And how come no one told me that Ben Edlund had a hand in Firefly? I’m very disappointed in all of you. Especially you.

Photo Credit: FOX

3 Responses to “Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Snarly McStapleface came out of nowhere”

June 12, 2009 at 8:29 PM

I watched this series on the treadmill. When that fiend jumped out, I stepped wrong and could not recover fast enough. I did not land gracefully. Besides their penchant for rape, cannabalism, and murder that’s the other reason I despise reavers.

June 12, 2009 at 9:24 PM

Hey Annie,

totally hammered right now, psychedelic reading of your post.

Gonna do what I gonna do – Review S2 of FlotC ;-)

*must keep myself from hitting Submit Comment… too late* ;-)

June 13, 2009 at 12:41 AM

BSG: I’ve got an image in my head of you flying off a treadmill CJ Cregg (West Wing) style now. Nice :)

Annie: Edlund also directed one of my favorite Angel episodes, Smile Time, the source of my avatar… (And why does everything come back to Angel with me?)

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