CliqueClack TV

Castle learns something about mama Beckett’s murder


“At the very least she should be arrested for violating the laws of nature.” — Esposito, regarding the over face-lifted suspect

Castle‘s season finale was last night, and I really wasn’t finding it very finale-ish … until the last moment. Normally, finales will go out with either a bang or a cliffhanger, and Castle did both. We’re left with questions beyond the cliffhanger as well, or at least questions as to what the cliffhanger will mean for Castle, Beckett and next season.

When Castle asks his friend to investigate Beckett’s mother’s murder, he really didn’t know what he was getting into. Well, neither do we, thanks to the cliffhanger, though we now know it wasn’t a random killing, that the killer knew exactly what he was doing by inflicting the mortal wound to the kidney and that he did the other stab wounds just for show.

But there’s more, and we don’t know what. That’s pretty cool. And it can go several ways. Probably it will go the annoying way, like it does on most TV shows: Beckett will get pissed at Castle because he didn’t leave it alone like she asked him to, and she’ll turn to her FBI ex for comfort and probably sex. Annoying, but then again, it will keep a wedge between Castle and Beckett, which we do want … please no Dave and Maddie syndrome here. We just don’t want their banter and working relationship affected.

Just one off-topic note: you’ve got to be appreciating Martha more; the whole severed head exchange was great:

“My little girl, she’s all grown up.”  — Castle
“At least one of you is. Really? A severed head?” — Martha

And she was a pillar of strength and support for Castle when he was deciding whether or not he should tell Beckett about her mom. There’s a lot more to her that the ditsy drunk with the horrible dye-job; she’s really a good mom under it all, and a great grandma too. She completes the family circle in a very unique way.

Did you enjoy the Castle finale? Are you coming back next season?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Castle | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Castle learns something about mama Beckett’s murder”

May 12, 2009 at 6:10 PM

Definitely coming back next season. And I thought Fillion’s Walken impression was hilarious.

May 13, 2009 at 5:15 PM

I was never very anti-Martha to begin with but I do agree that her character has been getting better lines/scenes whatever…definitely being shown in a better light.

Great show…can’t wait for next season.

May 15, 2009 at 5:39 PM

I’m also in for next season, and excited about it, but I seriously have to disagree about Martha. She’s beyond extraneous to the ensemble, family, and show, and she adds little, if anything, in plot, emotion, story development, or whatever else you can think of.

On the contrary, I find her scenes tedious and pretty irrelevant. Clearly she has no idea how to be a parent, or a real person, and, even if she’s joking, she treats Castle horribly. Not to mention how bad an impression she must be making on her granddaughter.

So, to sum up …not a fan. Of Martha. Great show!

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