CliqueClack TV
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worst week


Ratings Clack – What were all those Super Bowl promos worth?

(2/1 – 2/7) Turns out, not much. If you watched the big game, you couldn’t have missed the heavy promotion for the new NBC Monday. Chuck, Heroes, and Medium all got plenty of exposure. There was even a song and dance number. The Office got its fair share as well, with the bonus of being […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Lost premiere is bigger than ever!

(1/12 – 1/18) No. Not really. In fact, it was the lowest rated premiere the show has ever had. Somehow though, ABC managed to massage those numbers so much that they felt ok producing a promo that called it bigger than ever. It’s lipstick on a pig. DVR, streaming, illicit downloads, no matter what spin […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Idol storms back, Patrick Jane doesn’t care

(1/12 – 1/18) Yes, of course, the big story this week was the return of American Idol. It didn’t disappoint, from a numbers perspective. Both installments easily won their nights. We all expected that though, right? The more interesting bit of the Idol story was the effect the show had, or didn’t have, on the […]

by Brett Love

Worst Week: The understatement of the 2008-2009 television season

The hits just keep on coming for Sam Briggs (Kyle Bornheimer). Is Worst Week realistic? Of course not folks, it’s TV. But on its face, this is a show about the unluckiest man in the world. Hands down. For those of us who are married, any encounter with the in-laws is a mixture of resignation and nervousness. […]

by Aryeh S.

Seven backdrops I’d rather stand in front of than American Idol

The holidays are over and, with that, so is the massive shopping frenzy that attacked the malls across America. So, you’ve got a few crappy things for Christmas that need exchanging, and in your bestest and cheeriest of moods, you head to the mall to brave the return lines during what should be your lunch […]

by Keith McDuffee

Ratings Clack – It’s all about CBS

(12/14 – 12/21) This week, the other networks just made it easy for CBS. After taking second on Sunday night, to NBC’s Sunday Night Football, the Tiffany network went on to win the next five nights in viewers and the demo. Granted, there were more repeats than usual, but even the CBS repeats were in on the […]

by Brett Love

Tonight on the tube: The series finale of Boston Legal

So we’ve been doing these ‘Tonight on the Tube’ articles for awhile. Occasionally we even get a comment from you guys about a particular show you watch or are excited about. But all in all these go down pretty quietly. Are you liking them? Do you find them helpful? Too wordy? Not informative enough? This […]

by Jason Hughes
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