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The Virgin Diaries


Breaking Bad Virgin Diary – Can it be as good as they say?

I finally get round to starting ‘Breaking Bad’ and ask if it can possibly live up to the hype. Spoiler alert: Yes it can.

by Dan Meier

Diary of a Gossip Girl virgin – Nate, that chick is, like, ten

(Season 2, Episode 8) Oh, no. An unlikely couple has sprung out of nowhere. Nate and Little J are sucking face in a darkened street and I am uncomfortable for having witnessed that. Is it because it’s almost like watching Dan and Jenny make out? Or is it because Jenny’s built like a 12-year-old boy […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Simon and Kaylee, get it on and get it over with

(Season 1, Episodes 7-8) I was recently telling one of my friends about finally seeing the appeal of Firefly in the sixth episode, and she nodded knowingly and casually said, “That’s Whedon for you.” I was previously unaware of this trend, but I’ve been told that a lot of Joss Whedon projects don’t really pick […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Everyone gets a do-over in this world

(Season 2, Episodes 6-7) Does Gossip Girl ever have peaks and valleys when it comes to drama? For a season and a half, it has felt like just … stuff happening. It’s non-stop and ridiculous, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t feel like there are consequences to anyone’s actions. For a while, I thought the […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Gossip Girl virgin – The mystery files of Charlie Trout

(Season 2, Episode 5) You guys, you guys. I have a confession. This show is exhausting me again. All these girls are so mean and I’m tiring myself out from ducking and dodging their flying cat claws. If we could find a way to power machines with super-bitchery, Gossip Girl would save the environment. Someone […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Firefly virgin – Oh, so this is why people like this show

(Season 1, Episode 6) Finally! Six episodes in, and I can finally understand why people like this show. This episode was sexy, funny, extra weird, and everything in between. And, there was a definite sense of character and team dynamic that, up until now, felt rather weak. I have my fingers crossed that this fun […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Cell phone cameras ruin lives

(Season 2, Episode 4) All right, catty ladies and gentlemen. Let’s take a moment to admire the costuming on Gossip Girl. Despite the tacky trendiness of some of the Brooklyn characters (they’re desperate to be oh-so-hip), the school wardrobe is both eye-pleasing and hilarious. It seems like the school doesn’t have an official uniform, with […]

by Annie Wu
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