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star trek


TV on DVD for September 22nd

There are so many shows premiering this week that no work is getting done down at the DVD factory. At least, that’s my theory. How else do you explain the shortened list of releases this week? Despite that, there are still a few big ones to take notice of: 30 Rock, Castle, The Mentalist, Terminator, […]

by Brett Love

Diary of a Prisoner Virgin – The Prisoner thinks it’s Star Trek (or the other way around)

(Episode 14 – “Living in Harmony” & Episode 15 – “The Girl Who Was Death”) Remember in my last Prisoner diary post, when I noted how things started to switch gears? It turns out I was right, as things still haven’t switched back to the way they used to be. Rather than episode after episode […]

by Keith McDuffee

What’s better for Wesley Crusher: Assrape or Snirkles?

I don’t normally catch Robot Chicken, but since it was airing a new episode last night and I was still riding the high from their awesome Star Wars: Episode II DVD (giveaway in progress until this Wednesday!), I flipped it on. Then there was a skit that I was really, really shocked I’d never heard […]

by Keith McDuffee

Dancing with the Stars – Cowboy demise

So … we’ll get the “highlight” of the evening out of the way right off the bat:  The world’s largest snake sacrificed itself so Samantha Harris had something to wear last evening.  Thankfully, we weren’t witness to any of the carnage that must have come about in the fashioning of said dress. Whew. Look, I […]

by Michael Noble

Saturday Night Live – Justin Timberlake; Ciara

Justin Timberlake has earned himself quite the reputation through hosting Saturday Night Live. He’s actually carved out a bit of an acting career, and I think most of it started from his time on SNL. I am a bit ambivalent toward his hosting, though. I think he really sells everything, obviously has fun, and is not […]

by Bob Degon

Set phasers on “Eh?” – Star Trek movie review

Unless you have been living on Rigel 3, you are  no doubt aware there is a new Star Trek movie in theaters today, directed by every geek’s favorite, J.J. Abrams. As a fan of all things Trek, I was really looking forward to this movie. I didn’t care that it featured an all new cast, […]

by Bill White

Star Trek: Season One Blu-Ray – CliqueClack Preview

is considered by many now to have been way ahead of its time back in 1966 when it first hit the television airwaves. So isn’t it about time that this series come to the new media format of Blu-Ray? And just in time for J.J. Abrams’ reimagining of the franchise, hitting theaters this Friday. As […]

by Jason Hughes
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