CliqueClack TV
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Esteban meets Nancy’s family on Weeds

There are shows, or anything really, that spend a lot of time and/or energy on building something up. And then, there are shows that can get something right in an instant. I’m not an Esteban (Demian Bichir) fan. I think he’s a very ugly person. But his interactions with the Botwin crew have been priceless. […]

by Aryeh S.

For Jackie, at what age is it appropriate to throw drugs at a problem?

I’m not a fan of the show (though I’ve hidden it well, right?), so clearly these things don’t sit particularly well with me, but what in the world is with this ridiculous storyline on Nurse Jackie? Grace (Ruby Jerins) may have some sort of emotional (or whatever) problems, so Jackie and Kevin are called in […]

by Aryeh S.

Sucio rocks Weeds!

I told you! I told you that Sucio, silent movie and all, would rock episode three of the fifth season of Weeds! How great was he? I mean, I can’t get the image of him sanding off a guy’s face (season 4) out of my head, but he definitely knows how to play the silent […]

by Aryeh S.

Nurse Jackie’s biggest mistake is Jackie … Oops!

The good news on Nurse Jackie is that there are characters to root for: O’Hara (Eve Best) and Zoey (Merritt Wever) make for an excellent pairing. The bad news? Jackie’s (Edie Falco) still around. Pop goes the weasel! Jackie is just so disagreeable as a person. More than that, she’s detestable, disgusting, and completely un-desirable. What […]

by Aryeh S.

Why the new Weeds crew?

All you Weeds-in-Mexico haters, I know what’s really bothering you. I get it. You don’t understand who Nancy runs with these days. And, I hear you. I mean, I miss the old gang, too. Things were a lot lighter with them, a lot more fun. Well, stop your whining! What’re you going to do? Those […]

by Aryeh S.

Nurse Jackie – A contradiction in many ways

As you may have guessed from my series preview, I’m not a huge fan of Nurse Jackie. However, due to numerous factors (one of which being my fear of Debbie), I feel an obligation to keep up appearances. In reality, while a lot about Nurse Jackie bothered me, as I said before, something still kept […]

by Aryeh S.
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