CliqueClack TV
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ronald d. moore


CSI – Ronald D. Moore thinks the new Astro Quest sucks

Did you ever pull an all-nighter? I find that around the 36 hour mark, I start to get a little goofy. Things that seem to make a lot of sense at the time, really start to unravel when put under the harsh light of a good solid nap. That’s how I imagine “A Space Oddity” […]

by Brett Love

Frakkin’ Clack – So say we all (or maybe just I)

It’s hard to believe that this is likely the last time I’ll be writing a post about Battlestar Galactica. The actors have said their piece already, and creator Ronald D. Moore has gone on detailed interviews and his usual podcast, into great detail, attempting to explain the decisions behind how things played out the way […]

by Keith McDuffee

Thank you, Ronald D. Moore – Guest Clack

Ivey West is back Clacking for us again, this time about something he usually has a lot to say about every week, though maybe not so much after next week. I would love to say that I’ve been a fan of the new Battlestar Galactica from the second the mini-series premiered. Unfortunately, I missed that […]

by Keith McDuffee

Casting Clack – Lily’s cast fills out, Dancing With the Stars loses two, and the fifth Cylon jumps over to CSI

In “Casting Clack”, CliqueClack brings you a summary of the TV casting news released throughout the week, be it the addition of a series regular, a new recurring cast member, a guest star, or even someone making a cameo. Let thee be warned! The following casting news may contain slight spoilers about the roles the […]

by Richard Keller

Frakkin’ Clack – Pay no attention to the seventh Cylon; finale splits in two

In my most recent post on Battlestar Galactica, as related to the latest episode, I came right out and stated that I believed Starbuck could be the mysterious Number Seven Cylon, Daniel, that was finally mentioned. I really thought I was onto something … that is, until I listened to Ron D. Moore’s podcast for […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – Caprica starts on DVD, a promo video and podcast delays

Ever since hearing about the premise for the Battlestar Galactica prequel series, Caprica, I’ve been rather uninterested in it. From what I can tell so far, and from the few short promos I’ve seen, Caprica‘s aiming at a different audience than BSG‘s. Sure, they hope to pull in as many die-hards as they can, but […]

by Keith McDuffee
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