Evil Abed returns to make a very dark year at Greendale even darker. Can this multi-timeline menace destroy everything we love about the Greendale 7 in the season finale?
Larry’s spent the season searching for the truth about his parentage. Is the exploration of his Judaism in these episodes an attempt to establish how much of a misfit he is?
This week, we delve into Jeff’s background, during which Britta nearly becomes a prostitute, and Annie chloroforms the hell out of a dude. Best. Spy. Ever.
There’s more to TV than television. Every year — heck, every month — there are more new Internet-only shows popping up online and in podcasts, and existing shows expanding their worlds in the same way. Here are some notable things going on in the world of webisodes … Rob Corddry’s Children’s Hospital Funnyman Rob Coddry’s […]