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jack bauer


24 – President Hassan knocks out Jack and becomes the hero of the show

Hassan did amazing things tonight, proving himself to be 24’s most heroic president. What did you think of the dramatic ending?

by Ruby T.

24 – Everybody wants President Hassan

President Taylor has to choose between Hassan and Manhattan. If she really had to make that choice, what would you want her to do?

by Ruby T.

24 – Dana has suddenly become a whole lot more interesting

This episode had great action, hilarious Chloe moments, and a big twist at the end. Did Dana surprise you?

by Ruby T.

24 – Double-crossings, shootings, kidnappings, bombings – oh my!

The twist with Tarin actually surprised me tonight — and I loved how the hour ended!

by Ruby T.

24 – Jack Bauer employs the art of persuasion

Jack tries a couple different methods of persuasion to convince a terrorist to cooperate.

by Ruby T.

24 – Jack’s only challenge has been keeping his suspects alive

Does Jack need more of a challenge besides trying to keep his leads alive long enough to find the uranium rods? I think so.

by Ruby T.

24 – Jack and Cole try to protect their ladies; a new threat is revealed

In this transition episode, a new terrorist threat emerges in the form of Samir. Meanwhile, Jack makes a deal on Renee’s behalf, and Dana finally tells Cole who she is.

by Ruby T.
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