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Greek chapter six


Farewell to Greek

The great heist was a fun time, but what does it say about a security firm if its offices can be breached so easily? And who keeps their fraternity memorabilia in a drawer behind their secretary’s desk?

by Aryeh S.

Greek – At least Spidey’s wig didn’t fall off

There’s only one more episode left before ‘Greek’ disappears forever. So where will the show leave us? Can’t figure it out? Read on for my thoughts on what devilish plan the creators have in store for the fans.

by Aryeh S.

Has Greek decided against coming to a natural stopping point?

Here’s a theory about what’s going on with ‘Greek’ this season: The writers are trying to buy the show more life by leading all the stories to random spots. Maybe they figure the network will have to renew the show just for some closure….

by Aryeh S.

Greek – So you’re saying that Calvin can only now start drinking?

Kiss or Tell? Really? I guess these are college kids, but still. Meanwhile, Daley asking Casey an elaborate math question in an attempt to guarantee himself a kiss was awesome. Will he get one before the curtain drops?

by Aryeh S.

Greek – Haven’t we seen this somewhere before?

It was funny that Daley mentioned Ashleigh seeing the profile of his “Full Monty” by the light of the refrigerator … but I wonder why Ashleigh wasn’t traumatized the entire episode.

by Aryeh S.

Greek – Daley as Thomas Crown? I see it

Once we learned that Trip is Daley’s Big Brother, I figured Dale has to be in the Omega Chi house for a long con. Is there any other way to explain how Dale would have embraced the dark side so enthusiastically?

by Aryeh S.

Greek – The all-singing, all-dancing Beaver

Heath’s side job is insane, and it was hilarious that Beaver accidentally went out on stage with him … and then proceeded to strip as well. Do you think he got paid for the night?

by Aryeh S.
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