CliqueClack TV
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Glee’s preview for the April episodes – Do you miss it even more now?

Does viewing the newly released ‘Glee’ preview make you happy or do you now miss FOX’s show even more?

by Debbie McDuffee

I am one with the people, for better or for worse

Get a load of those People’s Choice award winners, eh? No, I didn’t vote, and I wouldn’t have even considered myself a voice of the masses before, but I agree with a lot of the votes, particularly the TV categories. It’s a little weird, but I think I am one of “the people.” When did […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Glee – Artie’s no longer dancing with himself

I have been saying from the very beginning that Artie and Tina needed better storylines, especially Artie, who I’ve wanted to have more singing from ever since I learned he used to be a member of the most wonderfully cheesetastic boy band ever. And then — this week. Oh, this week! Sure, there were some […]

by Julia Hass

Glee: Can a musical show work where others have failed? – Guest Clack

Elizabeth Gendler, today’s Guest-clacker, is another aspiring writer who came to LA from the Midwest after college. She’s worked as an intern, script reader, secretary, and shipping clerk (most of it even for pay!). Not having done much in the way of blogging before, she’s excited to be using her compulsive TV-watching for good rather […]

by Guest Clacker

The unpublished journal of Sue Sylvester

Dear Journal, It’s only been one day since bringing the pregnant She-Schuester on board, and so far no dice. I’ve always been told that I need to wait for my plans to unfold, but I’ve never trusted things that fold or take a long time to happen, which is why I’ve never trusted origami. If […]

by Julia Hass

Glee – Vitamin D – Live-blog/chat

It’s the happiest night of the week: Glee night! Which means song, dance, and pure, unadulterated awesome. Tonight we’re looking forward to the boys of the glee club versus the girls in a mash-up performance competition, plus some adult love stories that are bound to get pretty complicated when a jealous Terri takes a job […]

by Julia Hass

Glee – Not-so-hot for teacher

When I was still in school, if I loved my teachers, I loved loved loved my teachers.  I’ve always been enamored with the whole profession of teaching, which I can trace directly back to my nerdy parents who raised me to believe that there was no higher calling in the universe than the education of […]

by Julia Hass
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