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House manipulates, Cameron judges, and we’re back to square one

“House is back in charge … and we’re treating a porn star.” – Foreman Is it wrong that the most memorable moment of tonight’s House episode was in the cold open, when the teeny little porn director was the exact height of the swarms of boobs around him? No wonder the guy got into the […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Euthanasia. We all do it (on House).

This week’s House is the first episode of the series I’ve enjoyed in a long time. And not just because it hasn’t aired in three weeks because of baseball. “Known Unknowns” was reminiscent of House at its finest, early in the series. Unlike some episodes that seem like filler, this episode moved the characters forward […]

by Jen Creer

Glee – The music has saved me during the hiatus

It was awfully nice of the folks at FOX to send over a copy of Glee‘s Volume 1 CD. It probably wasn’t so nice of me not to share it with any of the staffers here at CliqueClack, but this one’s mine, all mine! These many weeks off from my Glee fix could have been […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Too much of Gordon Ramsay is not a good thing

Currently, we have superstar chef Gordon Ramsay as host and berater of FOX’s Hell’s Kitchen and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares. We also have him as host of the British version of Kitchen Nightmares and Gordon Ramsay’s F Word on BBC America. So, do we need to see any more of the verbally abusive chef who we […]

by Richard Keller

Fringe: There’s more than one season of everything

Elizabeth’s back, sharing her ideas about Fringe this time, after musing on the musical TV shows and Glee’s success so far. So now we’ve spent all summer shocked, amazed and desperate to know just why William Bell wanted to talk to Olivia in the still-existing World Trade Center. And … they waited another two and […]

by Guest Clacker

Glee: Can a musical show work where others have failed? – Guest Clack

Elizabeth Gendler, today’s Guest-clacker, is another aspiring writer who came to LA from the Midwest after college. She’s worked as an intern, script reader, secretary, and shipping clerk (most of it even for pay!). Not having done much in the way of blogging before, she’s excited to be using her compulsive TV-watching for good rather […]

by Guest Clacker

Are we being too hard on FOX?

Last week I went on about how I think Dollhouse should be shown the door. Dollhouse fans have their petitions at the ready, and their Twitter avatars changed, in support of the show. Then you’ve got people like me who say the show deserves to be canceled, thinking, “what the hell is FOX thinking, keeping […]

by Keith McDuffee
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