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House episode based on Dooce? Patient blogs EVERYTHING

Even if the writers of this week’s episode of ‘House’ haven’t heard of Dooce — Heather Hamilton Armstrong, the blond blogger who discloses everything — they encapsulated personal blogging very well this week.

by Jen Creer

Human Target is starting to grow on me

After the first two episodes of ‘Human Target,’ I wasn’t too sure I’d be tuning in each week. Thanks to the Olympics, I’ve caught up on all of the episodes and changed my tune because this is the best role for Mark Valley since the great ‘Keen Eddie.’

by Debbie McDuffee

Glee’s preview for the April episodes – Do you miss it even more now?

Does viewing the newly released ‘Glee’ preview make you happy or do you now miss FOX’s show even more?

by Debbie McDuffee

House – A day in the life of Cuddy

Cuddy’s life may be stressful, but she handles it all with grace and passion — even when House is completely annoying!

by Debbie McDuffee

Bones – The Devil lost, as he always must

Damn it, writers, let’s just get these two together already, huh?

by Ivey West

House – The game is a foot

The title of this week’s episode, “Moving the Chains” reminded me of the ends of Dylan Thomas’s famous poem “Fern Hill.” The last lines of the poem are: “Time held me green and dying/Though I sang in my chains like the sea.” The reason why this episode reminds me of the poem is more complicated […]

by Jen Creer

The new television season is looking good (on paper, at least)

With early pickups of Glee, new dramas on CBS and the ABC Wednesday comedy lineup, the 2010-11 television season is looking good. At least on paper.

by Richard Keller
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