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It’s okay if you don’t “get” Bob’s Burgers. I’m here to help.

Granted, this airing of our dysfunctional restaurant family wasn’t the best, but read this post and I’ll bet you dollars-to-donuts you’ll see the humor and feel that much better about watching the show.

by Michael Noble

American Idol – A possible front-runner?

The talk of the episode was, of course, James Durbin. Loads of sob story, powerful no-nonsense singing voice. Too bad he’ll have to put up with yet another stigma outside the ones he already bears.

by Michael Noble

Human Target takes an estrogen bath

All season long, we’ve been wondering what the addition of two females to our beloved trip team would do to ‘Human Target.’ While some of it has been enjoyable, I think we finally have our answer: Chance is clearly producing his own estrogen.

by Debbie McDuffee

Traffic Light – Cough twice if your wife’s in the car

It seems as though there’s a ton of new shows about eccentric families and groups of couples. Will ‘Traffic Light’ stand out among them?

by Rachel Blum-Jose

The new must see show is The Chicago Code

“You think you can change the way things are done in Chicago?” Why, yes! And ‘The Chicago Code’ changes the way things are done on television as well, for the better. It premieres tonight at 9 pm ET/ 8 pm CT on FOX.

by Carla Day

It’s not just the L.A. contestants who are delusional on American Idol

I’m usually proud to call Los Angeles my home, but – after this episode of ‘Idol’ – my head was hung in shame.

by Michael Noble

Human Target has worse problems than continuity issues

On Monday night, I though ‘Human Target’ had continuity issues. Perhaps they did, but it’s much worse that that. They may not have quite jumped the shark tonight, but they definitely leapt over the sardine … the stinky, stinky sardine.

by Debbie McDuffee
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