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Defying Gravity


Defying Gravity – Loathing. Unadulterated loathing

Loathing seems to be much of the response of the interwebs after last week’s premiere. Now that I’ve had a week to listen to the opinions of, well, just about everyone, I’m still digging Defying Gravity. I get that I might be the only person out there that is, but I’m going to hold onto […]

by Ivey West

Defying Gravity is accessible science fiction, and what’s wrong with that?

It’s time to try Defying gravity I think I’ll try Defying gravity And you can’t pull me down! – “Defying Gravity,” Wicked If you know me well enough, you had to know that I would find some way to work a Wicked reference into the post (the title of the show is also the title […]

by Ivey West
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