CliqueClack TV
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Who will be a messiah first: Starbuck or Locke?

Two of my favorite shows on television right now are Lost and Battlestar Galactica. I won’t go into all the reasons I love them, but suffice it to say: they’re the awesomest! One thing that I have noticed lately is that both of the shows appear to be setting things up to make one of […]

by Bob Degon

Frakkin’ Clack – Catching up with podcasts; Moore and Vernon chat

Much to the happiness of BSG geeks like me, Ron D. Moore has been doing timely podcasts for the remaining episodes of the season, or at least he has for the past two. It’s always interesting to hear what the man has to say on what he was thinking with certain scenes, and the other […]

by Keith McDuffee

Don’t Lie to Me, Starbuck; SNL is too long – The Week in Clack

Week of January 18 to January 24 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Battlestar Galactica – Little Nikki isn’t so special … or is he?

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “A Disquiet Follows My Soul”) Beginning population: 39,644 If you watched the Face of the Enemy webisodes, Gaeta’s thought process in this episode should be little shock to you. In fact, I wasn’t really sure why the closing scene had Zarek hiding the “mysterious person” he was talking to, behind […]

by Keith McDuffee

Frakkin’ Clack – The final Cylon and more premiere talk

Thanks to everyone who attended last week’s online chat. Until I get a better interface for conducting these chats, I may not bother to do it again this week. If you’re definitely interested in attending one again, say so in the comments. For the most part, though, people just want to watch the show and […]

by Keith McDuffee

Week in Clack – Premieres, previews and the just plain weird … and Neil Patrick Harris

Week of January 11 to January 17 Clever, insolent, creative, irreverent; even a little twisted. I speak of the writers here at CliqueClack, and the unique posts they churn out day after day. How could we let seven days go by without highlighting some of the week’s gems? (If you’d like to receive this in […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Battlestar Galactica – Frak Earth

(Season 4, Episode 11 – “Sometimes a Great Notion” – Mid-Season Premiere) Beginning population: 39,651 So, was it everything you were hoping it would be? Still trying to wrap your brain around what you just saw? You’re definitely not alone. One of the big “woah!” moments of this episode was the reveal that the planet […]

by Keith McDuffee
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