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I am no fan of know-it-all Chuck

They promised! Everything I read about the new Chuck 2.0 guaranteed me that, while things had changed, everything about Chuck was still the same. He may be in possession of a new, more powerful Intersect, but — his ability to learn new skills rapidly aside — this was going to be the Chuck we knew […]

by Aryeh S.

Chuck – When the super spy met the “Superman”

Who do you call when Captain Awesome has been kidnapped by Angie Harmon? Apparently, Superman. Brandon Routh joined the cast of Chuck last night as part of “Operation: Bartowski,” and I immediately don’t know if I can completely trust him. He’s apparently in for at least four episodes, and probably more, so there’s definitely a […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Now with “Awesome” spywork

Man, it feels like the new season of Chuck just started yesterday! Three hours of Chuck in two days is a lot. What’s even better is that yesterday’s Sunday night airing of Chuck earned the best ratings the show has seen since the 3-D episode that aired the day after the Super Bowl. With NBC […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Still a mess, but with upgrades

Chuck is an emotional wreck of a human being, and in this two-episode premiere, he was put through the wringer … again. Luckily, he also chose to put Sarah through some turmoil of her own. In fact, both episodes were simply stuffed to the brim with pining and whining and wooing and cooing. Luckily, Chuck […]

by Jason Hughes

Diary of a Firefly virgin – Girl on girl action. In space!

(Season 1, Episodes 9 – 10) With this episode, we got to see — Holy crap! Did River just cut up Jayne!? And did she just shoot three dudes without looking? Finally, some of River’s badassery is making itself known. I’m digging the team dynamic revealing itself; it’s the ensemble cast that really makes this […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Firefly Virgin – Simon and Kaylee, get it on and get it over with

(Season 1, Episodes 7-8) I was recently telling one of my friends about finally seeing the appeal of Firefly in the sixth episode, and she nodded knowingly and casually said, “That’s Whedon for you.” I was previously unaware of this trend, but I’ve been told that a lot of Joss Whedon projects don’t really pick […]

by Annie Wu

Diary of a Firefly virgin – Oh, so this is why people like this show

(Season 1, Episode 6) Finally! Six episodes in, and I can finally understand why people like this show. This episode was sexy, funny, extra weird, and everything in between. And, there was a definite sense of character and team dynamic that, up until now, felt rather weak. I have my fingers crossed that this fun […]

by Annie Wu
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