Adam used an interesting word at the end of the show: “Hyper-critical.” It may have summed up how I felt about this first leg of the real competition.
HBO has released a trailer for the first episode of ‘Newsroom.’ It looks interesting enough, but considerably different from the pilot script I read last year.
It may be the comedy and hilarious quotes we tune in for, but there are plenty of meaningful messages to be gleaned from ‘Bob’s Burgers’ each week.
“Put a stop to that muffin top! No more peek-a-boo panties! Look chic and lean! Super comfy!” CommercialClack takes a look at the marketing of a simple piece of fabric … in your choice of colors.
Some quick opinions and observations about a couple of gross sitcoms, a really terrible ebay commercial, and an old TV show about a computerized coffee guy.
Just what does CBS Sunday Morning’s Martha Teichner know about music, anyway? Nothing as far as I’m concerned.
Bob gets a new soft-serve ice cream machine for the restaurant, the kids will do anything to get out of P.E. and Linda fantasizes about Tom Selleck.