CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for CBS's The Amazing Race

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – Week of October 18, 2008

“And they call me white trash.” – Edie, upon witnessing Gaby and Susan pulling hair and throwing punches during a fight on the lawn, Desperate Housewives “We are three hours away from horny Women’s Study majors wanting to work out all their anger towards men … in their bunk beds.” – Chuck to Nate, on visiting Yale […]

by Jane Boursaw

The Amazing Race – Did You Push My Sports Bra Off the Ledge?

(Season 13, Episode 3) Is it ironic that a show where time is so important gets a late start every single week? Tonight’s Race started almost eighteen minutes late! Usually by this point in the race, there are at least a few teams that I find myself rooting for, as well as those teams that […]

by Jason Hughes

Reality Clack – October 13, 2008

It’s been another week of winners and losers in the reality games. And, I’m here to clack about the events! I don’t want any flack about my clack from those who don’t like the genre. After all, it’s right there in the title. See it up there? Reality. Thankfully, it’s not a reality in which […]

by Jackie Schnoop

The Amazing Race – Do You Like American Candy?

(Season 13, Episode 2) DVRs are great, but they’re not smart enough to make adjustments on the fly. What this means is that because of CBS’s football coverage in the afternoon, things get kicked back. And because I didn’t get home until after the episode aired, I got to see fifteen minutes of 60 Minutes […]

by Jason Hughes
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