CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for The CW's Supernatural

Latest episode clacks for this show:

New characters I’m loving this season – Guest Clack

Your guest clacker today is Cate Cropp, a Jersey girl living in Portugal who just can’t give up American TV. Introducing a new character into a show can be a tricky task.  Sometimes they integrate well into the cast and add an interesting new dynamic to a series.  Other times, they can fall flat and […]

by Keith McDuffee

Supernatural – Dean confuses real life with porn, makes out with an angel

(Season 4, Episode 10 – “Heaven And Hell”) Earlier this week, my copy of the internet told me this would be the last new Supernatural until January. With that in mind, I was expecting some big things to send us all off to holiday. And, we got ‘em. Angels battling demons, super-demons even, is pretty […]

by Brett Love

Jeffrey Dean Morgan: Professional dead guy

In my Grey’s Anatomy review last week, I was lamenting the fact that Denny Duquette was still hanging around torturing Izzie and preventing her from moving on with her life. At this point, it’s hard to tell whether it’s truly his ghost or just something Izzie conjured up to unconsciously keep herself from moving forward. […]

by Jane Boursaw

Heroes falls to all-time low, NCIS hits all-time high

(Ratings Clack 11/9 – 11/15) That post title really sums up the season so far where NBC and CBS are concerned. It’s looking more and more like NBC just can’t get anything right. The successes they do manage to find are either short lived, or modest at best. And over at CBS, they continue to […]

by Brett Love

Is Supernatural as good as Buffy?

Let me just preface this post and say that I will be writing with my head hung low, the burden of regret weighing heavily. Why? I don’t watch Supernatural. When it premiered several seasons ago, I watched most of the first episode and thought it was pretty good, if not slightly hokey at the end. […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Supernatural – I Know What You Did Last Summer

(Season 4, Episode 9) And now for something completely different. Really, just when you think you have this show all figured out, an episode like this comes along. For all intents and purposes, this thing started off like our standard Supernatural adventure. A damsel in distress, a demon attack, some vague information. I was sure […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack 11/2 – 11/8

It was one of those odd weeks in television. The big election changed programming for three nights, knocking numbers in all sorts of directions. ABC came out on top in the coverage, and the four networks that went with election coverage (CW was regularly scheduled programming) combined to average nearly 40 million viewers and a […]

by Brett Love
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