CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – When does FOX start worrying about Idol?

Another week of bloodshed in the ratings where nobody was safe. Even ‘Idol’ took quite a hit, which at least suggests that we could be approaching a time where ‘Idol’ is just another show.

by Brett Love

Ice Ice Baby and Kate getting s-h-o-t – Things that didn’t suck this week

Death, sex, destruction and Tina Fey. There were lots of things on television that didn’t suck this week.

by Kona Gallagher

Lost – Sawyer, Jack, and the battle for biggest moron

The final season of ‘Lost’ really turned the dial to eleven this week. For the first time all season, the end really feels right around the corner, and all I can say is: Yowza.

by Bob Degon

Lost – The Candidate – Live-blog/chat

Join us here at 9 PM EDT for this week’s live ‘Lost’ chat, where we’ll be talking about the episode, posting up polls and trying to figure out what the heck is going on together. The series is almost over! See you then!

by Keith McDuffee

Lost in Lost – A review of what we don’t know

With only five hours of ‘Lost’ left, I figured it was a good time to run down some of the outstanding questions that have been raised.

by Bob Degon

Ratings Clack – The final sweeps period begins

Thanks to ‘Survivor’, CBS took the early lead in the final sweeps event of the season. You can bet that American Idol will have something to say about that next week. Over on cable, why isn’t anyone watching ‘Party Down’?

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost – Calling all theories

With ‘Lost’ on a break this week, I figured it was a good time for a bonus column in order to throw out a theory I’ve been working on — and hopefully hear about yours.

by Bob Degon
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