CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's Lost

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – ABC breaks out the axe; everybody loves The Mentalist

(11/16 – 11/22) Yes, the big story this week is that the ABC decided to cancel not renew Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone, and Dirty Sexy Money. I’m pretty sure that they are not officially calling them canceled because there are still episodes to air. And the only thing that chases viewers away from a show faster […]

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost: Dharma tells me to proofread; Spoilery goodness

I wrote a while back about the alternate reality game (ARG), as they call it, that Lost is doing this off-season. It began at Comic Con back in July and has been chugging along, ever so slowly, since then. The big theme of this year’s ARG is the Dharma Initiative, who actually had a booth at […]

by Bob Degon

Heroes falls to all-time low, NCIS hits all-time high

(Ratings Clack 11/9 – 11/15) That post title really sums up the season so far where NBC and CBS are concerned. It’s looking more and more like NBC just can’t get anything right. The successes they do manage to find are either short lived, or modest at best. And over at CBS, they continue to […]

by Brett Love

Lost in Lost: Return date and casting spoilers

We’re into the doldrums of the Lost off-season, or so it seems. Things are quiet out there in the Lost universe, but there are a few things going on… The big news: We finally have a launch date for season five! Mark your calendars fellow Lost fanatics — January 21st is the day. It’s going […]

by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost: The Lost Book Club and Slaughterhouse-Five

Previously, I’ve taken a look at the Lost Book Club that ABC has posted at their website. They list all the books that have been featured on the show; some of them have been mentioned in dialogue, some of them have been read by our favorite characters. This week I’m looking at Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt […]

by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost: Season 5 title speculation

With every passing week, Lost creeps closer and closer to my TV (and yours). All the signs are there; If you missed it, an official promo was released. You can check it out over on ABC’s site. If you haven’t seen it yet, give it a look. There’s not much in it, but it certainly […]

by Bob Degon

Lost in Lost: Minor characters I would like to see more often

One of the things I love most about Lost is the deep and rich universe that it has created. There is a world far beyond the surface of the show, with loads of interesting characters both in flashbacks and in the present day. With the slew of main characters on the show, a lot of […]

by Bob Degon
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