CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for NBC's Chuck

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Heroes: Sack The Cheerleader… Save The Network?

The complete implosion of Heroes just never gets old. I’m fascinated by it, and the show found an all new low last week. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of shows fall from their once lofty heights. But to see one crash so fast, and in such a dramatic fashion, is a rare thing. On […]

by Brett Love

Chuck – When the super spy met the “Superman”

Who do you call when Captain Awesome has been kidnapped by Angie Harmon? Apparently, Superman. Brandon Routh joined the cast of Chuck last night as part of “Operation: Bartowski,” and I immediately don’t know if I can completely trust him. He’s apparently in for at least four episodes, and probably more, so there’s definitely a […]

by Jason Hughes

Ratings Clack – Idol returns, and Jethro doesn’t care

FOX has been waiting all season to drop the big hammer, and the time has finally come. Idol returned last week, and the ripple effect of adding over 20 million viewers to Tuesday and Wednesday was felt by a number of shows, but not all of them. Despite Idol adding some 24 million viewers to […]

by Brett Love

Chuck – Now with “Awesome” spywork

Man, it feels like the new season of Chuck just started yesterday! Three hours of Chuck in two days is a lot. What’s even better is that yesterday’s Sunday night airing of Chuck earned the best ratings the show has seen since the 3-D episode that aired the day after the Super Bowl. With NBC […]

by Jason Hughes

Chuck – Still a mess, but with upgrades

Chuck is an emotional wreck of a human being, and in this two-episode premiere, he was put through the wringer … again. Luckily, he also chose to put Sarah through some turmoil of her own. In fact, both episodes were simply stuffed to the brim with pining and whining and wooing and cooing. Luckily, Chuck […]

by Jason Hughes

NBC Monday night lineup – Clacking the dream

I was glancing ahead at some of the nights and networks that I have left to sort through, and came across a plethora of old sitcoms that made my mouth water. Shows that, in their time, were only ordinary, today would be considered giants when compared with what television has to offer us. Or so […]

by Aryeh S.

CliqueClack’s guide to the 2009-2010 winter TV season

In the period known as “Back in the Day”, the period between December and the first few weeks of January were full of reruns. These days, everyone, including the original Big Three, launch a whole new set of shows that totally mess up your viewing schedule.

by Richard Keller
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