CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for NBC's Chuck

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – CBS takes the early lead. Glee is huge.

After a full summer of ho-hum, last week brought us five days of full-tilt-boogie network programming. The early results for the new season say that things look very good over at CBS. The other networks were very hit and miss.

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – A super-sized return

“If an accident does happen, I hope Mitchell kills me, because I would not be a very inspiring disabled person.” – Cam, on ‘Modern Family’

by Aryeh S.

Poll: Who is the best trio currently on TV?

Trios. They support each other through thick and thin and we love ‘em. Our team offered a bevy of television trinities, a sampling of triplets (most) everyone is on board with. Do you agree with us?

by Michael Noble

Chuck breaks the formula and wins

Chuck has gone against the odds, and not just with miraculous renewals. In one simple episode, they’ve proven breaking a time-written formula breathes new life into a great show. The hero can successfully get the girl, tell his friends and (some of) his family the big secret.

by Carissa Pavlica

Poll: Who is the Best TV Duo currently on TV?

Back in the day it was Kirk and Spock, Batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch. Today, it’s House and Wilson. Brittany and Santana. Castle and Beckett. That perfect pair of TV friends. We’ve nominated a ton of our favorite TV duos. Which pair has the most chemistry? You decide!

by Ruby T.

TV on DVD – Chuck, Supernatural, Smallville, and The Office

Lots of new stuff this week, including ‘Supernatural’, ‘Chuck’, ‘Smallville’, ‘The Office’, ‘Persons Unknown’, and ‘Skins’. Also a host of older offerings like ‘Prime Suspect’, ‘Doctor Who’, ‘thirtysomething’, and ‘Less Than Perfect’.

by Brett Love

Poll: What’s Adam Baldwin’s coolest role to date?

Adam Baldwin has mastered the art of playing grouchy, obnoxious characters. But we love him anyway! What’s your favorite role of his?

by Debbie McDuffee
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