CliqueClack TV

Buffy or Angel? – CliqueClack Poll of the Week

This may not be a fair question. In fact, I may not be able to choose (I’ll have to make sure there is a poll choice that reflects that!). But I thought it would be fun to ponder and discuss. If you could only own the DVDs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel, which […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Leverage – Star-studded Buffy / Angel reunion

(Season 1, Episode 9 – “The Snow Job”) Leverage provided another fun-filled romp for us with “The Snow Job,” with a clever con, a glimpse into Nate’s dark side, more crazy Parker, and a star-studded guest cast. The first flashback we saw tonight was on Nate’s son coding in the hospital, a memory Nate shared […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Joss Whedon wants to kill Oz; Ron Moore picks Cylons with darts

One of my favorite and underused characters of Buffy has always been Oz. He’s had some of the best lines of the series, only having been on the show for two seasons and change. It always bugged me that we never got some clear closure to the character and never really found out what happened […]

by Keith McDuffee

Is Supernatural as good as Buffy?

Let me just preface this post and say that I will be writing with my head hung low, the burden of regret weighing heavily. Why? I don’t watch Supernatural. When it premiered several seasons ago, I watched most of the first episode and thought it was pretty good, if not slightly hokey at the end. […]

by Debbie McDuffee

CliqueClack Presidential Nominations: Rupert Giles for president

Have you been following CliqueClack’s mock election process? We thought some of our fictional friends might run the country better than the actual presidential candidates. So far, we’ve nominated Laura Roslin, Optimus Prime and Richard Nixon’s Head for president. So I suppose when I nominate Rupert Giles (a Brit???) as a candidate for the presidency, […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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