CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for ABC's Brothers & Sisters

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Ratings Clack – iCarly vs the NBC schedule

Another week of ups and downs brings good news for some (’30 Rock Live’, ‘Defenders’, ‘Smallville’), and bad news for others (‘The Event’, ‘Running Wilde’). Plus, how did a Monday ‘iCarly’ stack up against the entire NBC schedule?

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Caprica not a great fit for the new Syfy

‘Caprica’ returned last week, and the results leave us questioning how long the show can remain a part of the new Syfy. Over on the networks, there are still a few new shows (‘The Event’, ‘The Defenders’, ‘Detroit 187′) looking to find their levels.

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Week two brings the first cancellations

It’s only week two and already the cancellation act has been swung. Twice. In happier news, ‘Glee’ managed to ride the popularity of Britney, or Brittany, to even better numbers than the premiere. Also, good grief, a lot of people watch ‘Jersey Shore’.

by Brett Love

Brothers & Sisters – All together now

It’s a year later and the Walker clan is still coming to terms with ‘the accident’ and its messy, tragic aftermath.

by Meredith O'Brien

TV characters + cancer = big life changes … or not

TV characters’ reactions to getting a cancer diagnosis have varied widely, while two characters on currently-airing shows used it as a catalyst to drastically change their lives.

by Meredith O'Brien

TV on DVD – Vampire Diaries, NCIS:LA, Parenthood, and House

More sets from last season roll in this week, including ‘Vampire Diaries’, ‘House’, ‘NCIS:LA’, ‘Parenthood’, ‘Brothers & Sisters’, ‘Sons of Anarchy’, ‘FlashForward’, and ‘The Middle’.

by Brett Love

Guide to fall 2010 TV season and series premieres

It’s time once again to take a look at what the fall is shaping up to look like with the returns and premieres of our favorite shows on TV. We’ll update it regularly, along with the subscribable calendar.

by Keith McDuffee
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