CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and posts for HBO's Big Love

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Big Love – It’s never unraveled quite like this before

I can’t believe this week’s episode was only an hour long. Things that have been coming to a head for months — not just this season — suddenly exploded all at once this week. I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck by the time it was over. If you thought things […]

by Jen Creer

What does the Big Love big moment mean for the Henricksons?

By now, anyone who’s watched the latest episode of Big Love – if you haven’t yet, then run far away from this post — likely wound up feeling aghast, skeeved out or unsurprised by the fact that they went THERE. Margene. Ben. … Photo Credit: HBO

by Meredith O'Brien

Ratings Clack – Heroes: Sack The Cheerleader… Save The Network?

The complete implosion of Heroes just never gets old. I’m fascinated by it, and the show found an all new low last week. Over the years we’ve seen plenty of shows fall from their once lofty heights. But to see one crash so fast, and in such a dramatic fashion, is a rare thing. On […]

by Brett Love

Ratings Clack – Idol returns, and Jethro doesn’t care

FOX has been waiting all season to drop the big hammer, and the time has finally come. Idol returned last week, and the ripple effect of adding over 20 million viewers to Tuesday and Wednesday was felt by a number of shows, but not all of them. Despite Idol adding some 24 million viewers to […]

by Brett Love

The Big Love season premiere: Weekend at Bernie’s gone awry?

Today’s Guest Clacker is Meredith O’Brien, a pop culture columnist who also blogs about TV and movies at Notes from the Asylum. I didn’t expect to laugh this much during Big Love’s premiere. I think the laughter was a defense mechanism, a response to the parade of craziness which appeared in one scene after another. […]

by Guest Clacker

Big Love gambles on casinos, home shopping, Christian rock, and bacon

One of my favorite moments from “Free at Last,” the opener for Season 4 of HBO’s Big Love is when Nikki and Bill are driving all the way from the casino to the compound and Nikki offers to make Bill some fry sauce. I literally laughed out loud. Fry sauce, for those of you who […]

by Jen Creer

Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Drama

The 67th Annual Golden Globes nominations were announced this past week, and as is usual for a bunch of talkative bloggers like ourselves, we’ve got our own take on who we think should take the award for each category … that is, from those who were nominated. If there’s time before the awards date (January […]

by Keith McDuffee
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