CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for ABC's The Middle

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Quotation Marks – Tophers, Thunderclaps, and Tattoos

In case you missed it, Dollhouse is back for its final run. With two Tophers, Joss Whedon definitely brought the funny. We also have a couple of Twitter quotes for you this week. The controversial Bones/Avatar experiment did yield some funny stuff, despite the little bit of whining (on my part) and the whole lot […]

by Ivey West

The Middle – Nobody better flag Brick for his endzone celebrations

This week’s episode of The Middle was a rather simple summation of the promise that this fast-rising young show holds; while the episode was clearly as Frankie sees things, the entire family was at the center of the plot, proving that the characters’ combined strengths are greater than anything each could do on their own. And […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – Entering the holiday abyss

It’s that time of the year. Now that we’ve all been spoiled for months with tons of new TV, it’s all going away. Last week we saw the first real evidence of the holiday slowdown as CW just shut down completely and ABC was the only network that even made an effort on Thursday and […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Beefcake calendars, threesomes, and large breasts … making the Puritans proud

Dreams came true for a lot of people this week. Seinfeld staged a reunion show on the season finale of Larry David’s Curb, Martha Castle is set to meet a calendar’s worth of firefighters, Ted and Robin were gifted a slap, and Cam got to dress up like a clown. Unfortunately for billions of turkeys, […]

by Aryeh S.

The Middle – Corn mazes and square dancing are what the holidays are all about

Thanksgiving never is the peaceful holiday that we all intend it to be, is it? It always involves a lot of running around, stressful visits with family, headaches, and scheduling mishaps. But never in my life have I experienced a Thanksgiving quite like the Hecks’. Of course, Frankie’s obsession with Black Friday, and the pre-sale […]

by Aryeh S.

Ratings Clack – The Prisoner, it’s no Mad Men

The biggest premiere last week came from cable, as AMC finally released their modern take on The Prisoner. I had been planning for months to make a comparison between that and media-darling Mad Men. I always find the amount of coverage that Mad Men is able to generate, despite the fact that its latest season […]

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Recyclops smashes Al Gore and Greenzo, and Omarosa is hot again

This week was NBC’s annual Green Week. Which means that its peacock adopted the color green. Sure, The Office and 30 Rock did some conservation focusing (that’s all I watch on NBC so I can’t elaborate any further), but recycling old Al Gore moments don’t really cut it as far as quotes go — or […]

by Aryeh S.
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