Latest episode clacks for this show:
Kristina and Adam tried to make a date, Joel lamented his lack of a life and Crosby worried about whether he was doing this fatherhood thing the right way.
It’s only week two and already the cancellation act has been swung. Twice. In happier news, ‘Glee’ managed to ride the popularity of Britney, or Brittany, to even better numbers than the premiere. Also, good grief, a lot of people watch ‘Jersey Shore’.
It broke my heart to watch three of the Braverman parents desperately try to connect with their children who were rebuffing them.
After a full summer of ho-hum, last week brought us five days of full-tilt-boogie network programming. The early results for the new season say that things look very good over at CBS. The other networks were very hit and miss.
I woke up with visions of premieres dancing in my head. It was kind of like watching Buzz Aldrin on ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ He started with iconic promise, but it soon became obvious he was beyond his capabilities and tried too hard.
As the Braverman clan tried to do favors for people, they quickly learned that in order for their actions to be considered ‘favors,’ they have to be things that people actually want.
We’re on the verge of full schedules. This week, the CW got the new season rolling with 8 new hours of programming. Those results were rather curious. Over on cable, tick-tock ‘Terriers’.