CliqueClack TV

News, reviews and commentary for FOX's New Girl

Latest episode clacks for this show:

New Girl – The bedroom can be a strange place indeed

Was there any doubt Jess would be hilarious once she headed for her sleeping quarters with boyfriend Paul? Nope.

by Michael Noble

Finals – Vote for your favorite new fall show!

We have narrowed down your favorite shows to the top six! Stop by and vote for your favorite! Need something to watch over the hiatus, you can’t go wrong with any of these top shows.

by Carla Day

Ratings Clack – Boobs Win!

As the various winter holidays rush toward us, the programming on the televisions begins to slow down. That opens the door for things like the Victoria’s Secret models beating everything else on the networks. On cable, ‘The Walking Dead’ went out with a bang, literally and figuratively.

by Brett Love

Quotation Marks – Community, Glee and House

Take a look back at the week in quotes as the Clique shares some of our favorites. If we missed yours, share it in the comments!

by Ivey West

Favorite New Fall Show Poll – New Girl

I’m not the sort that gravitates toward the standard weekly comedy. But I’ve been taken in by ‘New Girl’ … and so will you.

by Michael Noble

New Girl – The bells weren’t quite ringin’

A plain, white, vanilla offering of ‘New Girl’ doesn’t leave anything of real substance for us to remember. But that’s okay. They can’t all be gems.

by Michael Noble

Poll: What are your favorite new fall shows?

What are your favorite new shows of the season? Stop by and vote for your faves! Looking for a new show to watch during the hiatus, check out what other people recommend.

by Carla Day
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