CliqueClack TV
One-off episode reviews of shows we don't regularly cover, but we've just got to say something this one time.

SNL’s Best of the Season – The Lawrence Welk Show

Once upon a time, I was a hardcore SNL fan. I’m talking back in the days of Will Ferrell, Ana Gasteyer, Chris Kattan and Molly Shannon. Towards the end of the 90s, I drifted away and only recently have started to watch again on any regular basis. Still, the show on a whole just doesn’t […]

by Cate Cropp

Bones, and the complete underutilization of Blossom

Boy, Hart (as in Hanson, creator of Bones), you sort of blew it on the Wednesday installment of your show. You had us in your grasp with an appearance of a famous sitcom star from the early ’90s and then … nothing. Neither hide nor hair of her for the rest of the episode. Heck, you even […]

by Richard Keller

CSI – Ronald D. Moore thinks the new Astro Quest sucks

Did you ever pull an all-nighter? I find that around the 36 hour mark, I start to get a little goofy. Things that seem to make a lot of sense at the time, really start to unravel when put under the harsh light of a good solid nap. That’s how I imagine “A Space Oddity” […]

by Brett Love

The House memorial – You stay classy, FOX

(Don’t worry, the memorial isn’t for Dr. House). Like all of you, I was completely shocked by Monday’s episode of House. If you haven’t seen it yet, then why the hell are you reading this? Go watch it. However, if you just can’t tear your little peepers away from my brilliant prose, I’ll humor you […]

by Kona Gallagher

Someone died on House! News at Eleven

Oh my goodness! I knew from a variety of sources that something shocking was going to happen on House. I knew that a cast member would be leaving. However, I didn’t know that it would happen tonight. For some reason, I thought last week’s preview was more for the rest of the season in general […]

by Jen Creer

Ashes to Ashes – Why the subtitles?

The third installment of Ashes to Ashes was one of the filler variety. The plot involved a serial rapist who preyed on “impure” prostitutes. It was mildly interesting, but I was hoping for a few more clues as to how and why Alex Drake is stuck in 1981. I was denied. Instead, there was a […]

by Scott Tunstall

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Season one is a wrap

Thanks to the wonders of DVR, I was able to catch the last five or six episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars‘ first season Thursday, in preparation for Friday night’s season finale. My brother turned me on to the series and, despite my initial reservations, I have to say it’s a pretty entertaining show. […]

by Scott Tunstall
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