CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

Five things the Oscars can learn from The Golden Globes

During our live-blog/chat of The Golden Globe Awards, I was struck by how efficient this awards show was. People got in, got their awards, and got out. Yet it still managed to be entertaining, with host Ricky Gervais delivering a number of great one-liners (“I love having a drink as much as the next guy… […]

by Kona Gallagher

HIMYM’s big musical episode was Neil Patrick Harris’s alone, and for that, I thank you

Dear Bays and Thomas, First off, I’d like to thank you for giving Neil Patrick Harris yet another opportunity to shine, by giving him a musical number in your 100th episode of How I Met Your Mother. It’s not like he doesn’t outshine every member of the cast on a weekly basis, but we all […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Jared Padalecki, are you sure?

Dear Jared Padalecki, News of your recent engagement to former Supernatural co-star Genevieve Cortese, who played Ruby #2, brings mixed feelings to this Supernatural fan. I want to give you my blessing, I really do, but are you sure you’re doing this for the right reasons? We know of your breakup with ex-wish demon Sandra […]

by Debbie McDuffee

Dark Blue gets picked up for a second season!

Dear TNT Executives, Well, it’s about time!… Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Excellent decision renewing Dark Blue for a second season, although I wonder: where was the hesitation? You know you’re a cable station, right? So, two million strong viewers (or even 1.6) for a new show is an impressive feat. Especially considering the fact […]

by Aryeh S.

Dark Blue, where are you?

Dear TNT, You suck. Okay, before I say something I’m going to regret, let me rephrase that: this sucks. “This,” of course, being the prolonged wait that you’ve forced upon the fans of your new hit series Dark Blue. Yes, new hit series … so why the delay on the renewal announcement? It’s been almost […]

by Aryeh S.

Screw saving Dollhouse! Save Joss Whedon!

Even months before FOX’s Dollhouse premiered, campaigns to save the show appeared on the Internet. Still haunted by the memories of the treatment their beloved Firefly received by the very same network, Whedon fans were desperate to see their master’s new work last. In some ways they were right to be scared. News of the […]

by Keith McDuffee

A few notes for Seth MacFarlane on his cartoon kingdom

Dear Seth, I just wanted to drop a line and congratulate you on basically turning Sunday nights on FOX into “Seth Sundays.” I don’t think the monopolization of a network by one person has been done since Aaron Spelling dominated ABC during the 1970s and ’80s. Of course, being the king of the Animation Domination, you […]

by Richard Keller
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