CliqueClack TV
Open letters to the television world, letting them know what we really think.

Why would ABC think an Alias reboot is a good idea? – Open Letters

I just had to write a letter to ABC when I heard that they were considering rebooting ‘Alias.’ How is this a bad idea? Let me count the ways….

by Debbie McDuffee

For the love of God, Lost. That’s not how babies work – Open Letters

Come on, Lost. I will suspend my disbelief for a lot of things on this show, but you really need to explain to me exactly how those children survived with no food source.

by Kona Gallagher

What about John Locke? – Open Letters

If John Locke is dead, why does it seem like no one’s acknowledging his absence?

by Aryeh S.

To my local stations: snow more snow references snowready

Snowmageddon, Snowpocalypse, Snowventure — just some of the ways East Coast news outlets are describing the current bout of snow storms.

by Richard Keller

Bays and Thomas, could you be bringing back the funny to HIMYM? – Open Letters

It’s the season for love letters, and after the last two episodes of How I Met Your Mother, Craig Thomas and Carter Bays deserve one. I’m laughing again, and that’s got to be good.

by Debbie McDuffee

Enough with the spin-offs

Dear Network Executives, Alright, people, I understand that it’s hard to take risks. TV (especially on the big networks) is all a numbers game. The ratings need to be high and the costs need to be low. It’s a business. For every Lost there is a The Nine. For every Glee there is a Viva […]

by Bob Degon

I can’t let go of Veronica Mars, and I want a movie – Open Letters

Dear Rob Thomas (the Veronica Mars one, not the Matchbox Twenty one), I’m writing to see if you can help me out, because I can’t seem to let go of your stellar (yet long canceled) show, Veronica Mars. There’s a lot of great TV on right now, but you know what I have the urge […]

by Debbie McDuffee
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