CliqueClack TV
Reminiscing about shows of the past.

Boston Legal – CliqueClack Flashback

It’s difficult to judge a show after experiencing what came after it. Usually we grow with either the character (Frasier Crane), the story, or the creator (Aaron Sorkin). Yet I find myself on the opposite side of that experience, only now enjoying The Practice after loving Boston Legal for so long. I’m actually looking forward […]

by Aryeh S.

Veronica Mars – CliqueClack Flashback

Flashback: Fall, 2005.  Zoom in on a younger version of me and you’d find someone who never watched television. Well, not never,  but never anything on primetime. I’d watch a spare show here or there, but I wasn’t devoted to any shows. Television just wasn’t my thing. I hadn’t grown up with it and I […]

by Julia Hass

Dead Like Me – CliqueClack Flashback

Dead Like Me, a Showtime original, was a series that could have totally passed me by. In fact, I’d never even heard of it prior to it going off the air in 2004. But at some point in the following year or two, as I was going through some old VHS tapes on a lark, […]

by Aryeh S.

Spaced – CliqueClack Flashback

Brace yourselves, because I’m about to get extra-nostalgic. I remember stumbling out of the theater one afternoon in September of 2004, feeling more excited and wired than I thought humanly possible, not because I had just went to my first rated R movie, but because every part of Shaun of the Dead still rattled in […]

by Annie Wu

Malcolm in the Middle – CliqueClack Flashback

It’s only been three years since Malcolm in the Middle went off the air, and yet it feels like much longer. Why? Well, I suppose it doesn’t help the longevity of the show that high costs for music rights have hampered a number of TV on DVD releases, including Malcolm‘s. A release can sell well, but […]

by Aryeh S.

Undeclared – CliqueClack Flashback

Undeclared is the best show about school ever made. Cliqueclack Flashback = DONE. Judd Apatow‘s quickly-canceled college follow-up to his quickly-canceled high school series, Freaks and Geeks, was released my junior year of college. I hadn’t seen Freaks and Geeks at the time, so I had no idea who Seth Rogen, Jason Segel, or any […]

by Kona Gallagher

Frasier – CliqueClack Flashback

“Sometimes you want to go, where everybody.…” No? Sorry! I think it’s something about “tossed salads and scrambled eggs.” That sounds more like it. I actually wasn’t a Cheers fan, so there’s little that I could say about the broader evolution of Frasier Crane (Kelsey Grammer), except for this: man did he look young in Boston! […]

by Aryeh S.
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