CliqueClack TV

Scott Tunstall

Twitter: ITIScott
Bio: I'm a freelance writer/blogger who rambles about TV, movies and sports. In addition to CliqueClack, you can find my stuff at ITI , MatchFlick , and Gunaxin.

Posts by Scott Tunstall

How a douche named Coach saved Survivor – Open Letters

Dear Survivor producers: Thank you, thank you, thank you for casting Coach on the latest installment of your never-ending reality series. If it wasn’t for his melodramatic, self-involved, pain-in-the-ass antics, this season would have been incredibly dull. All the eye candy (Carolina, Sydney) and big breasts (Candace) got booted early, along with the annoying old […]

Rescue Me – Drinking in the shadow of Ground Zero

“Sometimes surviving can be its own death sentence.”  – Colonel Saul Tigh, Battlestar Galactica I’m often reminded of the above quote when I watch Rescue Me. Especially this season. The memories of 9/11 still haunt the characters in profound ways. The sadness, rage and frustration boils deep within their souls. Nothing can quiet the storm […]

Rescue Me – Reserve another Emmy for Michael J. Fox

Watching last night’s episode of Rescue Me I came to a sudden realization. I miss Michael J. Fox. I grew up with the guy. No matter where I’ve been in the last 25 years of my life, Fox has been right there with me, be it on the big or small screen. When I felt […]

BBC Babble – Hex marks the spot

A cute blond teenage girl with special powers wages war against demons of the underworld. Sound familiar? No, I’m not referring to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but rather Britain’s answer to Joss Whedon’s classic girl-power series. Hex lasted two short seasons from 2004-2005 and currently doesn’t air on BBC America. However, the first season is […]

Rescue Me – My five days with the boys of 62 Truck

When I was a kid, I dreamed about becoming a fireman. It seemed like such a cool and honorable profession to pursue. You get to live in a firehouse, which would be fun. Riding in the red truck with the siren was also appealing. Not to mention all that kick-ass gear: helmet, oxygen tank, long […]

Ashes to Ashes – It’s all over, sort of

The 1981 party is over for Alex Drake. Well, not really. Since there is a season two on the way for Ashes to Ashes, not everything was cleared up during Saturday night’s season finale. At least the creators didn’t spring a Lost-esque maddening cliffhanger that we have to ponder for 16 months until the new […]

BBC Babble – Navigating the Primeverse

I’m new to the science fiction series Primeval. Well, that’s not exactly accurate. I caught the first couple episodes of season two last summer on BBC America, but I was a little confused. I was hoping the network would re-air the first season at some point. It didn’t happen. I could have gone out and […]

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