CliqueClack TV

Richard Keller

Twitter: richysk

Posts by Richard Keller

There’s still time to win some fabulous Psych swag

Psychos and Psychettes, you still have a few days, hours, and minutes to register for our Psych giveaway! What? You say you didn’t know we were giving away a Psych prize package? Well, my friends, you need to read CliqueClack a little more. You see, thanks to the fine and quite happy people at USA […]

Double your pleasure with two 90210s – Daily Rerun Roundup

My God, when will it end? I can’t take much more of these reruns. Hell, I’m starting to wish for a fresh episode of According to Jim just to get some new material! I. Need. New. Episodes! Well, CBS may not have much in the way of new material, but at least they’re reliable. For […]

Time to win yourself some nice Psych swag – CliqueClack Giveaway

Folks, I have some good news and some better news. The good news is Psych is coming back for a fourth season, starting tonight at 10:00 pm. If you haven’t had the chance yet, I implore you to read our early review of the season premiere. Don’t worry; it isn’t full of spoilers that will make […]

Psychilicious! Shawn and Gus are back!

There aren’t too many shows these days where I anxiously await a new season of episodes. In fact, I can count them on one hand. There’s Doctor Who, Chuck, Eureka, Big Bang Theory, and … wait for it … Psych. Out of all of these, Psych is probably the first on my list. So, thank the […]

Tease (as in strip) – Webisode Clack

Today’s era of webisodes can be categorized in a number of ways. Some are connected to TV shows like Heroes and Battlestar Galactica. Others are series that are basically a big “Screw you!” to the current state of television. And then there are those that are aired on the Internet as a test bed for a potential […]

The Lady, the Janitor, and the Apocalypse – Daily Rerun Roundup

It’s August! Which means only 72 more weeks until America’s Got Talent comes to an end. And, only four short weeks until a new fall season kicks off. Hold on, folks. Hold on! It’s steady as she goes on CBS as it presents a rerun of NCIS at 8:00 pm and Medium at 10:00. In […]

Will you be tuning in to Jon and Kate: The Next Generation?

Sooo, Jon & Kate. Don’t know if you’ve heard much about them since their show took a hiatus back in June. You know, other than reports about Jon’s new girlfriend, Jon’s other new girlfriend, Jon’s new place, Kate’s new place, Jon’s constant thoughts about his children, and, of course, the growth of Jon’s balls after […]

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