CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

The power of television

Take a look at an example of The Power Of Television I found Sunday morning.

CommercialClack – Who’s thirsty for Kool-Aid?

With Tara in absentia this week (she may or may not be stalking ‘her’ Gordon Ramsay with a ‘big, wide, happy ear-to-ear Kool-Aid smi-aye-ile’), Michael is on his own talking about an old drink standard this week.

Bleep My Dad Says – Not so much this time around

Hmmmmm. The second episode of the series — “Wi-Fight” — seemed to take a real dive with the writers painting themselves into a corner … then predictably wrapping things up.

Bleep My Dad Says – William Shatner shines in this venue

In my opinion, this pilot wasn’t for $#*!. It looks like CBS has a winner on its hands with ‘Bleep My Dad Says’….

Poll: Who is the best trio currently on TV?

Trios. They support each other through thick and thin and we love ‘em. Our team offered a bevy of television trinities, a sampling of triplets (most) everyone is on board with. Do you agree with us?

Lopez Tonight featuring Devo

As it turned out, sitting through a taping of ‘Lopez Tonight’ on the Warner Bros. lot wasn’t so bad after all….

CommercialClack – Dolph Lundgren vs. A Unicorn

Wow. Tara and Michael must be blissful. A CommercialClack with a unicorn, Dolph Lundgren and a flame thrower. (Oh … and something about internet security …)

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