CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Ladies & gentlemen, your American Idol Top 13

‘Idol’ pares down (up?) 13 contestants for us to quibble and worry over for the remainder of the season. All my choices made it … but I was shocked by one addition to the group.

New (better?) villains come into the mix on No Ordinary Family

Smash and grab evil-doers? Sweet-smelling hoochie mamas? Enough with the dipstick baddies! Let’s bring on some dastardly intrigue … and ‘NOF’ sets the stage to do just that.

American Idol – Hey! It’s the girls!

So … did the girls out-perform the guys from the night before? Not in this reviewer’s opinion. There was some horrific performances … but … there was one contestant who won me over …

American Idol – Hey! It’s the guys!

With the first night of competition under their belts, some ‘Idol’ contestants displayed their chops while others simply showed the stage ruled them …

Taco Bell is workin’ the crazy for you and for me

I’ve been wondering: What in the world is going on with Taco Bell’s ad campaigns of late? And then it hit me, plain as the nose on my face …

The Chicago Code – Youth plays a vital role

We find the past holds far-reaching implications in the shaping of who Alderman Gibbons is today …

Tossing a bad apple out of the Academy Awards

It’s motorheads like Michael Fleming who try and ruin ‘The Oscars’ for everyone – the ones who put the program together, the viewers like you and me. Did The Motion Picture Academy do right?

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