CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

MasterChef – How to properly butcher a salmon

World class restaurant in L.A.! Filleting skills of extra-ordinary grandeur! A ‘Hell’s Kitchen’-style challenge! Who could ask for anything more?

Are you looking forward to The X Factor?

Drama, here you come again with a repeat performance by Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul. The new fall season of television could be a rating’s wild one, folks.

Let’s review So You Think You Can Dance just a tad

Why should three of the four contestants be in the upcoming finale? Here’s the reason. …

Has Wilfred lost its pride?

It’s apparent ‘Wilfred’ thinks it hasn’t lost it (or doesn’t think it has), but I felt some of my pride erode away with this week’s episode. Raunch – simply for its own sake – does nothing but degrade the show.

So You Think You Can Dance – It’s plainly clear, isn’t it?

Yes. Yes it is plainly clear. Said it before, I’ll say it again: It’s Melanie Moore’s contest to lose on ‘SYTYCD’. Not gonna happen.

Right now Franco is the one who needs saving on Rescue Me

Franco is smack dab in the middle of a vicious circle of his own making … and the end result will not be pretty.

Can you possibly take 190 minutes of Moby Dick? I say you can

This was a terrific adaptation of Melville’s classic, perfect for even the most twitchy movie watcher. Well-acted characters and an updated, engaging telling were key to its enjoyment.

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