CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Grimm – A “stinging” episode

Three shows in, Nick’s heritage comes into question, the mythology of the series is plugging along nicely, and we get our danders tapped about what might be coming down the line. These are the very things making ‘Grimm’ a kick to watch right now.

So where was the iconic film music on The X Factor?

It came across loud and clear from host Steve Jones at the start of the program, but there wasn’t anything “iconic” about the contestants’ film choices.

New Girl – All women are bad

Cece has the power to disrupt everything. And she does. Effortlessly.

Two And A Half Men – A surprising Jon Cryer

Yes … I’m still tuning in on occasion. And I was rather struck by Alan’s “alternate roll” as his brother.

Terra Nova – Who turned out the lights?

Russian roulette, teaching dinosaurs tricks with fire and fleeing a compression wave are just some of things we learned this episode. But … we did discover some information about that mystery object and who knows how to use it.

The Walking Dead – Lots of tales

Between Shane’s eulogy, the “well walker” exploit and Glenn and Maggie’s “horizontal mambo” (and more), there certainly were a lot of references to “hooks” or “hook ups” this episdoe … weren’t there?

The X Factor – The kids aren’t all right

In the end, not even Roger Daltrey or Pete Townshend would’ve been able to save them. Still, I bet someone may be asking “Who?” (*snort*) when InTENsity is mentioned down the line in some obscure musical trivia question.

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