CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

Face Off – A nightmarish mess

The ‘night terrors’ of this episode were rather disappointing overall, but there was a shining light in the bunch. And one particular contestant is irking me to the limit.

Has anyone seen my self respect?

I’ve already been caught up in the overwhelming wave of peer pressure by subscribing to one Super Bowl ad … but that’s the *last* time it will happen.

New Girl – Girl talk

This was one of those ‘men are from Mars, women are from Venus’ episodes that leaves guys sitting there scratching their heads and shrugging their shoulders. Don’t think about it … just go with the flow. Because what’s important to … oh … never mind …

House cleaning over at The X Factor

Host and judges get ousted from Simon Cowell’s Americanized version of ‘American Idol’ … and (for the most part) I’m feeling good.

The (faux) Ferris Bueller sequel commercial

So … who got duped into thinking the ten-second Matthew Broderick Honda teaser (which we didn’t *know* was a Honda teaser at the time) was a ‘things-to-come’ sequel to ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’ … ?

MusiClack – Songs we never want to see on American Idol again

Certain tunes out there get under our skin. Additionally, a few incessantly continue to make the rounds causing us to want to watch paint dry rather than be subjected to them yet again.

American Idol – Enough is enough

Look: I know we need to get through these audition rounds but … how much ‘Idol’ is too much … ?!??

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