CliqueClack TV

Michael Noble

Twitter: RuprechtReal
Google Profile
Bio: Annoys people, doesn't sleep nearly as much as he should, doesn't naps, life-long carnivore, beats dead horses (metaphorically speaking, of course), refuses to drink bottled water ...

Posts by Michael Noble

America’s Got Talent – More monkey business, not much spectacle

Woof. That was quite some 4 hours worth of show over the last two nights … wasn’t it? Aren’t you glad you don’t have to relive them?

America’s Got Talent – The beginning of the Howard Stern season starts off flat

The big news going into season 7 of ‘AGT’ is that Morgan is out and Stern is in. Will his inclusion stir the pot? Will it make any difference? The first couple shows will no doubt be telling.

Bob’s Burgers – Where there are teens, there’s attitude

It’s the same old song and dance parents have been getting from their teens for hundreds of years. That being said, can there be any peace, love and understanding with the ‘Bob’s Burgers’ clan? Yes … of course there can…

An amazing breakthrough on Touch

Something happens to trigger a milestone in Jake. But … what is it?

Grimm – The truth is out there

The beans are starting to spill. Juliette is suspicious, Hank gets railroaded by Monroe. Bottom line? Nick’s got his hands full as we approach next week’s season finale.

American Idol – We have our Top 3

Hollie Cavanagh didn’t have the fan base to support her and that’s why she was eliminated from ‘Idol.’ But another contestant needs more than good pipes to win the day in the end.

Four on the floor on American Idol

Two gals and two guys are all that’s left on ‘American Idol’ as we head for the finale home stretch. And they definitely put on a show this episode.

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