CliqueClack TV

Meredith O'Brien

Twitter: MeredithOBrien
Bio: An over-caffeinated Boston area freelance writer, I write about pop culture and politics for my blog, Notes from the Asylum ( and pen a weekly pop culture and politics column for the web site Mommy Tracked . . . that's when I'm not obsessing about Mad Men or the Boston Red Sox.

Posts by Meredith O'Brien

Scandal – What’s Amanda Tanner hiding?

Clearly President Grant did have sex with that woman, Amanda Tanner. But is he her baby daddy?

Grey’s Anatomy – Are Cristina and Owen over?

Which one of the Seattle Gracers failed his or her boards? Does it matter? This episode smacked of being filler as it barely advanced any of the storylines forward.

The Killing – Lost boys

Pity all of the sons on ‘The Killing.’ None of them — whether they’re a murder suspect, related to a murdered girl or the son of a police detective — get what they need.

Once Upon a Time – Who’s your daddy?

Are we to believe that Rumplestiltskin manipulated The Evil Queen into implementing her big curse just so he could try to find his son?

Grey’s Anatomy – Moving on up (and out?)

As the ‘Grey’s’ writers teased us by having main characters take interviews in far flung states, poor Richard stepped aside while his wife took up with another man.

Scandal – A baby trumps a blue dress

The scandal involving the can’t-keep-it-in-his-pants president deepened as Olivia played one client off of another to protect the president’s young mistress.

The Killing – A son seeking revenge for his father’s death?

A 20-year-old guy killed Rosie to get back at Stan for killing his father? It can’t be as simple as that.

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