CliqueClack TV

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Google Profile
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Community – Why has Jeff suddenly turned into Jim Halpert?

I, like most ladies in their twenties, love The Office‘s Jim Halpert. How can you not? He’s charming, funny, and ridiculously persistent and loyal. When he was at the rehearsal dinner for his wedding and said that he was just waiting for his wife? Come on. That was amazing. So, yes, I love Jim Halpert. […]

Medium roundup

So here’s the deal: Most of the writers for CliqueClack have other jobs. Some of us have day jobs, while others freelance for different sites (I know, the idea that anyone here could write for another site probably just Blew. Your. Mind.). One of the sites that I write for is called Medium Dreams. It […]

Community – Nothing left unsaid (and that’s a good thing)

I pointed out in my review of Community‘s premiere, that one of the things I liked was how they didn’t use standard sitcom conventions, such as using meaningful looks to convey a conversation and come to a decision between characters. Community is continuing to not leave anything unsaid, and instead of it seeming like they […]

Community – Now I wish I took Spanish past high school

Maybe it was crazy middle-aged people that I was missing in my college experience, because even though we only saw it in montage, Pierce and Jeff’s presentation was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Tiny sombreros, a boat with a Native American prisoner, silly string, and a big finish with sparklers? Now that’s what I […]

Accidentally on Purpose still bugs, but was actually pretty watchable

Accidentally on Purpose was one of those shows that I knew was premiering, but just tried to ignore. I kept my distance for two reasons: 1) Jenna Elfman has kind of freaked me out ever since she screamed at some dude on the street about baby rape because he was wearing an anti-Scientology t-shirt, and […]

Season 6 of Medium shakes things up

This is the season premiere of Medium that almost wasn’t. NBC canceled the show, only to have CBS swoop in the next day and pick it up. In an unsuccessful effort to stave off NBC’s cancellation, season 5 ended with Allison in a coma and her life and powers hanging in the balance. Although we’re […]

Community – I’m in love with Abed

Look, NBC is still on my shit list for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the cancellation of Life, and let’s not even talk about the entire 10:00 hour. However, I will say that the Thursday night lineup they have this season is the best one they’ve had in years. I’m […]

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