CliqueClack TV

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Google Profile
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Glee – Ballad – Live-Blog/Chat

It’s that time again: time for another episode of Glee! This week, the group is doing ballads, and Will fills in for a sick student. Is it just me, or does Will really seem like he wants to be back in high school? Of course, with a wife like Terri, I certainly can’t blame him […]

Promos, Paula, and dueling reviews – Medium Roundup

Each week, I slave over a hot laptop to bring Medium fans news, promos, and other goodies associated with the show. These are some of the highlights from the past week at Medium Dreams. Enjoy! Here’s the promo for this week’s episode, called “The Future’s so Bright.” In it, Allison has to wear shades. Get […]

Gossip Girl – Man, I really wanted to see Lady Gaga as Snow White

“Dude. I’m Chuck Bass. Even Europeans must know what that means.” Chuck was sadly underused in this episode, but really, that line made up for all of it. In fact, that one line was so perfect, that it’s not even worth sullying it by talking about the beyond-boring Jenny storyline in which it appeared. Jenny […]

Community – Abed can see the future

Sometimes Community gets so meta it makes my head spin. Ever since the pilot, Community has seemed very aware of the fact that it is a television comedy, complete with familiar sitcom characters. In this episode, Abed (who is the character who breaks down the fourth wall on a regular basis) basically says, “You guys, […]

Jon Gosselin’s Funny or Die video may be the saddest thing I’ve ever seen

Celebrity Funny or Die videos have become so popular over the past few years because it’s fun to see high-profile people making fun of themselves and their image. Usually, the celebrity in question is in on the joke, so you’re all having a big laugh together. This isn’t the case with Jon Gosselin’s Funny or […]

Diary of a Weeds Virgin – When I finish season 5, I’ll no longer be a virgin!

(Season 5, Episodes 1-3) (Season 5, Episode 1 “Wonderful Wonderful”) The only thing I found surprising about this episode was that it’s taken her family this long to abandon Nancy. I would have assumed they would have just cut their losses a while ago. Even Shane, whose voice is just now changing, would probably be […]

Gossip Girl – The most boring threesome ever

As a parent, I would like to start my own council that bans stupid, “edgy” threesomes from television. Not because I find them too scandalous, but because they are lame.

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