CliqueClack TV

Jane Boursaw

Twitter: jboursaw
Bio: Read Jane's movie news & views at

Posts by Jane Boursaw

True Blood – I Don’t Wanna Know

(Season 1, Episode 10) “All that pollution and technology, that’s how demons travel.” – the “exorcist” to Tara Rats! I was nearly on-board with the whole exorcism thing. I guess that power-of-the-mind/placebo thing really does have some merit to it. Both Tara and her mom had a fresh start going, until Tara found out about the […]

Desperate Housewives – What More Do I Need?

(Season 5, Episode 7) There were so many great quotes in this episode, that I thought it might be fun to clack it quote by quote: “You’re Miss Marple with a bum liver.” – Mrs. McCluskey to Roberta These two are so much fun. They even look like they’re having fun with it. Separately, they’re great. […]

Crash – Your Ass Belongs to the Gypsies

(Season 1, Episode 5) “I am the grim reaper. I am become death! Get outta my kill zone!” – Ben to Anthony, on not wanting to kill him like he did the others Aside from my usual Dennis Hopper love, the character who stood out the most for me in this episode was Kenny. Ross McCall […]

Quotation Marks – Week of Nov. 8, 2008

We’ve got the best quips from Blair, Barney, Drama, Sheldon and all the rest of those crazy TV kids. Take a look, and add your own favorite quotes from this week in the comments section: “Revenge is best served a-la-commode.” – Drama, Entourage “You’re like the devil.” – Emma to Chuck, Gossip Girl “Thank you, […]

Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 14: Let the Games Begin

(Season 2, Episode 7) “I need your help. I’m trying to de-cougarize.” – Nico to Victory, on choosing an outfit to meet Kirby’s mom Ack! Why must they move Lipstick Jungle to Friday nights to die, just when it’s getting good?! It’s a travesty, I tell you! I’m ultra-excited about the addition of Rosanna Arquette […]

Grey’s Anatomy – Rise Up

(Season 5, Episode 7) “I see dead people!” – Cristina, on seeing a roomful of cadavers Cristina cracked me up in this episode. Her gleeful quote about finding dead people in the basement, and then her hysterical laughter about Sloan trying to come onto her all day … these are the things I love about […]

See Jane Clack – sexy vampires, dumb housewives, and Mighty Mendit

Sexy vampires, dumb housewives, and Mighty Mendit are just a few of the things that made me clack this week. Check it out, and add your own clack-worthy thoughts in the comments section. I want some “Mighty Mendit” for myself. There are some awesome “seen on TV” ads lately. One of my favorites is Mighty […]

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