CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Should Friday Night Lights be renewed for two more seasons?

Sebastian’s Guest-clacking about Friday Night Lights again, after sharing his opinion about the departure of CSI’s Gil Grissom…. Things are looking up all around on and for Friday Night Lights. It seems there are some real hardcore fans over at NBC since EW‘s Michael Ausiello has picked up some rumors that TPTB are trying to […]

CSI doesn’t need Gil Grissom

or: how the creators of Crime Scene Investigation managed to mend a sinking ship. Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking for us again, taking a break from his Friday Night Lights commentaries. Quick flashback: two years ago, Jorja Fox left the show due to her inability to reach a settlement in her contract negotiations. Everybody expected her to […]

How I Met Your Mother – Funnier than a public dry hump

This episode was… wait for it… completely hilarious. Yep, you heard it here first: I thought How I Met Your Mother was funny tonight. Funnier than tickets to Wrestlemania, funnier than a monkey in two tuxedos; yes, even funnier than a public dry hump. Sometimes this show really comes together for me, like a perfectly […]

Diary of a Supernatural Virgin – Will brotherly love or evil Sam win out?

Season 2, Episodes 9 – 11 Supernatural continues to please; I gotta say, there’s not too much to be dissatisfied with in this series… so far, that is. Even Buffy let me down during some seasons. But the writers have taken their cues nicely from the actors, and their brotherly banter shows their true friendship […]

Friday Night Lights – Better than reality

Sebastian’s back Guest-clacking about Friday Night Lights again, after his commentary on Life last week. You didn’t have to be a mindreader to foresee Jason Street’s possible patch in the near future. In last week’s episode, there was a scene where he met some former player of the Dillon Panthers who made it to the […]

Did Idol judges waste some of the wild card spots?

Hell, yes! First of all, I’m thrilled to see that some of my favorites made it to the wild card eight. However, expletives seemed to flow from my mouth as the judges were announcing some of their choices. Not very ladylike, I know. Something about Idol brings out the worst in people. I disgust myself. […]

Lois and Clark – CliqueClack Flashback

Super heroes are cool (especially in a house with a four-year-old boy); just look at the success of Iron Man and The Dark Night. Smallville has just been renewed, even though this season was slated to be its last — how could they cancel with the best ratings ever? It just seems the proper time […]

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