CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

Google Profile
Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

HIMYM – Canadian sex acts or March Madness?

“I’ve got to figure out a way to introduce some wood into Bilson’s dark atrium … I think you know what I meant.” — Ted I agree, that’s a pretty lame quote, but what can I write about an episode of How I Met Your Mother that doesn’t even include a decent Barneyism? Sigh … […]

American Idol: bringing out the multiple personality disorder in all of us

I’m normally a well-balanced person. I have a healthy relationship with my family, a group of good friends, even a German Shepherd. What could be more normal than that? But for two hours a week (on Tuesday nights …) I become another person. The weird thing is, I never know who that person’s going to […]

House literally jumped the shark

Let’s face it, even if you are a huge fan of House M.D., you’ve got to admit that this hasn’t been the best season of the quirky medical drama, and everyone is saying it. If you’re like me, you still sort of long for the old team and their dynamics, and you could definitely live […]

Multi-season pick-ups: a new trend and a dichotomy

I’m noticing a pattern here, people — follow along with me, if you will. Last October, we get the news that Showtime’s Dexter is renewed for not one, but two more seasons. A big yay from me, as there really isn’t much TV that’s better than Dexter. Then, just this month, we learn that NBC […]

Adam Lambert is the 21st century Freddie Mercury

Paula may have seen similarities last night to Led Zeppelin (Wha…? OK, I guess I kind of see it), but to me, Adam Lambert is the new Freddie Mercury. Whether or not you enjoy him ( I do!), you’ve got to admit that he stands out from the crowd, much in the same way as […]

Kyle XY’s never-resolved cliffhanger

I really went into the series finale of Kyle XY with mixed feelings. The season started off with a bang for me, then fizzled a bit. Last week, though, while Jessi and Kyle were playing Cassidy, they played me too — I completely fell for their trick and it was awesome! So I was really […]

Will you be watching TV on St. Patrick’s Day?

Or will you be cooking, eating, drinking or celebrating? If you’ve not had the chance to visit CliqueClack Food yet, you’ll want to visit frequently in the next couple of days. Starting tomorrow, there will be a St. Patrick’s Day tab at the top, highlighting all of our St. Patrick’s Day posts.  We’ve already written […]

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