CliqueClack TV

Debbie McDuffee

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Bio: Debbie considers herself a reluctant TV watcher and still won't have TV on just for background noise. The shows she does watch she is passionate about though, enough to shush her husband Keith when he tries to talk to her during them!

Posts by Debbie McDuffee

Being 30-something is laughable, according to Modern Family

I don’t know about you, but I totally related to Modern Family‘s story lines tonight. OK, maybe not the baby killer one (we only had an acquaintance threaten to feed little Owen to the lions — not a good friend), but the other two? Oh yes. I have fond yet annoying memories of my male […]

House manipulates, Cameron judges, and we’re back to square one

“House is back in charge … and we’re treating a porn star.” – Foreman Is it wrong that the most memorable moment of tonight’s House episode was in the cold open, when the teeny little porn director was the exact height of the swarms of boobs around him? No wonder the guy got into the […]

How I Met Your Mother … and Barney’s back!

“If you fall for that one, my heart breaks for you, but I’m sorry, you’re a Smoron.” – Robin about Barney’s SNASA playbook entry Last weeks episode of How I met Your Mother ended with a simple, two-word promise: “Daddy’s home.” And home he is, because tonight, Barney’s back. I won’t say he’s better than […]

Six reasons The Vampire Diaries keeps me coming back for more

“Aren’t you going to let me in?” – Logan to Jenna, on her doorstep Sometimes it’s entertaining to make fun of The Vampire Diaries. Between Stefan’s brooding and Damon’s Dr. Evil impersonations, it can sometime elicit eye-rolls. And don’t even get me started on how some weak, teenage girl cries in every episode. But when […]

How I Met Your Mother’s friends get back together

“It was called the Death Star, baby — they knew what they were getting into.” – Marshall to Lily when she realizes that Stormtroopers are people, not robots It’s funny that this episode about how Robin and Barney just aren’t working as a couple comes on the heels of one of the few episodes that […]

Glee – The music has saved me during the hiatus

It was awfully nice of the folks at FOX to send over a copy of Glee‘s Volume 1 CD. It probably wasn’t so nice of me not to share it with any of the staffers here at CliqueClack, but this one’s mine, all mine! These many weeks off from my Glee fix could have been […]

TNT: The little network with the smart decisions

With the pickup of The Mentalist in syndication, TNT proves they’re still on the right track.

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